Many people take essential oils with them wherever they go whether it be across town or across the world. Here are some good travel tips when wanting to use essential oils for happy and memorable experience. Travel Tips for Various Issues Associated with Traveling Fear – If you or a family member get fearful when traveling, Valor essential oil […]
Best Soothing Lotion Recipe with Essential Oils
There are so many chemicals in our personal care products these days that making your own soothing lotion with essential oils and natural ingredients is the best way to go. These recipes only take a few minutes and are actually good for your skin! Wonderful Soothing Lotion 1/4 c coconut oil (preferably organic) 1/4 c […]
Toxins in Personal Care Products
Shampoos, creams, deodorants and everything else we put into our bodies go directly into our largest organ – our skin! The beauty care industry is one of the least regulated industries in the world. This is where the buyer needs to do their homework and be aware of toxins. Companies are not required to list […]
Help Your Child Overcome Special Challenges
When looking for ways to help your child overcome special challenges, it’s important to look at all the options available. Many parents are not happy with the results they are getting with conventional methods and don’t realize that there are very effective natural things they can use for their children. In the 2 years that […]
5 Ways Essential Oils have Changed My Life
Here are my thoughts on 5 ways essential oils have changed my life. I hope these thoughts encourage others to investigate how oils can help them with their life and health too. Essential oils for health I realize I have other options besides the remedies I had been using and that oils work faster. Up until now, I used […]
Overcoming Sleep Issues with Essential Oils and Sleeping Well Every Night
Many people have trouble overcoming sleep issues or they don’t sleep well at night. Essential oils can easily help with this without drugs or fancy equipment in many cases. Diseases like diabetes or fibromyalgia can contribute to sleep problems. If someone has a disease that contributes to their sleep issues, it’s important to support the […]
My Secret Weapon for Effective Streamlined Cleaning without Chemicals
Many people are switching to more “green” cleaning, but finding effective natural plant-based cleaners that don’t contain harmful chemicals is usually quite difficult. You can find plenty of cleaners, but finding ones that are effective is another story. Are Natural Cleaners Effective? When you use vinegar and baking soda to clean, you are using natural […]
How Pure Essential Oils are Produced
I heard Gary Young speak last month about how pure essential oils are produced. He gave us detailed information and showed slides helping us understand how he uses proper cultivation, crop rotation, and other techniques to produce quality oils. Poor farming practices produce poor quality plants and then oils that are sold all over the world. […]
Can You Ingest Essential Oils?
Some people have asked me “Can you ingest essential oils?” Although most essential oils that are sold in the stores state on the bottle, “Do not ingest,” Young Living therapeutic essential oils are pure and have a line of oils labeled for ingestion. Why can you ingest pure therapeutic grade oils? Young Living oils are […]
Rewards Program – Earn Free Oils with Essential Rewards
Young Living is the company that produces the oils I recommend on this blog. I wanted to let my readers know about the Essential Rewards program that is available. This is how I earn free oils every month to help my family. What is the Essential Rewards Program? It is a voluntary program that members […]