Essential oils are the life-blood of plants; the liquid that runs through plants and shrubs can be distilled and bottled. Because of steam distillation, essential oils keep the frequency (measured in megahertz) that they had when they were in the plant. They are very potent and helpful to the body. Young Living oils is the oldest essential oils company in the world. They provide pure therapeutic grade essential oils that can be used by people of all ages.
Why are essential oils important?
Since essential oils are potent and maintain the frequency they had in the plant, they are very beneficial to the human body. Using oils does not guarantee an instant fix, just an option for a healthy body without side effects.
What can they do for me or my family?
Oils can work quickly and are gentle. This is valuable for families because they can use essential oils every day. Oils can be used in a more custom format giving families individualized help.
How did essential oils get started?
We are just now learning about essential oils in the United States. But they have been used around the world for thousands of years. Essential oils date back to 4500 BC with distillation pots being found in 3500 BC. There are over 1000 biblical references to herbs and trees. In ancient times, it was common knowledge that frankincense oil was good for everything from head to toe.
Here’s the deal:
You can purchase essential oils in lots of places, but not all oils are created equal.
This is your family we are talking about:
Your skin is your largest organ and essential oils applied to your skin are fully absorbed in 26 seconds. Do you want to risk absorbing chemicals or additives right into your family’s skin and bloodstream?
Here’s what I do instead:
I love teaching about essential oils and how to use them. I only use Young Living oils though because they are the purest. They are the only company that owns their own farms and has control of the whole process from when the seed goes in the ground to when the bottle of oil gets sealed. I don’t want any funky ingredients in things that my family will be applying or ingesting.
There is no rating system for essential oils:
Since US labeling laws allow for a label to say “100% pure” and the oil only has to be 5% pure, I know that I have to take matters into my own hands when it comes to finding safe products for my family. If an oil is not pure or very potent, people need to know that they will probably have to buy 3-4 times more oil to get the same effect as one bottle of Young Living oil.
I’m very frugal and even though another bottle of oil may look cheaper, it’s not a good use of our money. I know that not only will I possibly compromise my family’s health because of chemicals that could be in it, but I also know that I would need to buy more oil. That is not very frugal!
My frugal plan:
Buy the best oils from the purest company – Young Living. I got the $400 member (not customer) kit for $165 which gave me over 1000 drops of the most popular oils PLUS a diffuser I could use in our home so all of us could breathe in these great oils.
Here’s what’s included in a Starter Kit:
- Desert Mist Diffuser
- Premium Essential Oils Collection;
- Lavender 5-ml
- Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml
- Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml
- Valor® 5-ml
- Peace & Calming® 5-ml
- Frankincense 5-ml
- Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml
- Citrus Fresh™ Vitality 5-ml
- Raven™ 5-ml
- DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml
- PanAway® 5-ml
- Stress Away™ 5-ml
- 2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
- Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier, 1 oz.
- Thieves® Household Cleaner 1-oz. sample
- 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
- Product Guide and Product Price List
- Product Price List
- Essential Oil Display Tray
- Young Living Lifestyle Booklet
- Essential Oils Magazine
- Essential Edge News
- Member Resources
- AND resources and tips that I will send you, along with access to our private Facebook group. Or you can message me any time with any questions.
I order oils at wholesale directly from Young Living whenever we need them. I buy them every month so I can take part in their free oils plan (Essential Rewards), but you don’t have to buy every month. Just get oils when you need them.
Follow these instructions:
If you would like to learn more about oils and how to get Young Living oils at the cheapest price, either follow these instructions or contact me and I’ll guide you every step of the way.
I provide lots of support and help once you are a member with reference material, Q&A help, and samples mailed to you.
No one has ever told me they regretted purchasing their YL Premium Starter Kit! What are you waiting for? Write to me and tell me your concerns. Then get started today!